

Essential oils are everywhere and are now becoming part of everyone’s daily life. Using high grade and pure essential oils for your little people is an amazing way to support their needs and high emotions.

 In a 10ml roller bottle, add the correct dilution ratio of oil drops and fill the rest with a carrier oil of your choice. I like to use Fractionated Coconut Oil.

 Less is always more when it comes to the amount of drops.

 Babies – 0.3% dilution ( 1 drop to 1 tablespoon)

Children – 1.0% dilution (1 drop to 1 teaspoon)

 Some of my favourite recipes and daily “go-to’s” are:


Tiny Chompers Blend |

 The dreaded stage that no parent wants to go through. There is nothing worse than seeing your little one in major discomfort! These two combinations will help with soothing the skin and calming emotions.

 Frankincense + Copaiba

 Roman Chamomile + Lavender

 Shake and roll along the outer jawline, behind the ears (never inside the ear), down the neck and massage into the skin area.

 Night Time Roller |

 Make this part of your night time routine after bathtime and around 20-30 minutes before bed.

 Frankincense + Lavender

 Roman Chamomile + Lavender

 Shake and roll onto the bottom of the feet and massage into the toes.

 Boo Boo Roller |

 Childhood is full of falling over and walking into things. Soothe the boo boo’s with these skin loving oils.

 Tea Tree + Lavender + Frankincense

Shake and roll onto the skin to cleanse and soothe the area.


Calm Your Farm Roller |

 Little emotions can change at the drop of a hat. Put out the fire when it is melt down central!

 Grounding Blend + Wild Orange

 Lavender + Wild Orange

 Shake and roll onto the back of the neck and the bottom of the feet. Please note that Wild Orange is a photosensitive oil and if going out into the sun it can make the skin more sensitive.

 Baby Bum Balm |

 Nappies, wipes, food…many things can make your little ones skin uncomfortable. These oils will soothe the skin while being gentle.

 Frankincense + Lavender

 Shake and roll onto the skin to soothe any irritations.

 There are countless ways for the entire family to enjoy the benefits of essential oils. Once you educate yourself as a parent about the best practices and important safety guidelines, you can help promote wellness in your family by incorporating the use of essential oils into your family’s daily routine and lifestyle.

 For more education and information, please head on over to Sarah’s Instagram page @essentialoilmumma