love7 My man is on the other side of the world, so this Valentine's Day it's all about my little love.  I've actually re-named it Valentino Day. My date & I spent the morning searching for bulldozers & the afternoon eating ice cream.  In  between we took a few snaps at the day's most relevant wall in Bondi. If I was planning a romantic evening my beverage of choice would be a Rose Martini. The recipe below is a cracker. Please have one for me & enjoy the track. It was Archie's choice today. From 3 options, he chose I GOT YOU BABE by Sonny & Cher. Bless his little Happy Socks. HAPPY VALENTINE'S LOVERS xo


[audio m4a="http://notsomumsy.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/2-21-I-Got-You-Babe.m4a"][/audio]



  • 1 1/2 oz. vodka
  • 1 oz. white crème de cacao
  • 1/4 oz. rosewater
  • rose petals to garnish

Fill half of a cocktail shaker with ice, add liquid, shake, pour & garnish. Easy Peasy.

*Disclaimer: these are S.T.R.ON.G. so  if you're a lightweight like me,  a couple will have you on your back in no time (and not in the good way.)

Archie Valentino wears Bonds singlet, Children of The Tribe flamingo shorts, Milk & Soda braces, Happy Socks & Converse. Soundtrack: Sonny & Cher I Got You Babe