


A day at the beach is one of my family’s favourite things to do together. Before having our daughter, we didn’t really think twice about it – Bikini? Check. Towels? Check. Sunblock? Check. Ok, ready to go. However, with Australia being home to one of the highest incidences of skin cancer globally, packing for the beach is a little more detailed now that we have Sunny to think about.

However, like our general approach to parenting, we try to keep it as simple as we can. We have a ‘beach kit’ ready and waiting at our front entrance to make getting out the door as swift and seamless as possible and we aim to pack essentials only. And as for all of that dreaded sand on our return home? We’ve embraced it, because beach days are the best days.

Here, I share my top tips for Mama Must Haves for the summer season.



There is a lot of debate around whether to use sunblock on your children, and as I am no expert nor do I have the right answer for you, I can only tell you what we use, which is Wot Not Natural Sunscreen or Banana Boat Roll On SPF50. We always apply sunblock before we leave the house so it has time to absorb into the skin and reapply after splashing around in the water.


There are a whole host of shade options for bubs including tents, shelters and umbrellas, but we swear by our Sunday Supply Co Beach Umbrella. These vintage inspired umbrellas are made from UPF30+ premium fabric, have a 2m shade canopy and fold down into a compact carry bag meaning they’re super easy to get to and from the beach. And did I mention the prints? They’re beyond dreamy.


We really struggled to find a hat that both my husband and I liked – they were too floral, girly or childlike – and then we found Acorn Kids. The Leopard Floppy Hat is so well loved we’re about to buy it again in a bigger size.


While a lot brighter than I would usually go for, we love the long sleeve rashies by We Roam. The prints are all handpainted collaborations with local artists, they offer UPF50 protection from the harsh Australian sun and the bright colours mean Sunny is easy to spot amongst the thousands of others at our local Bondi Beach!


We generally overpack when it comes to towels, and that’s because we like to make ourselves at home on the beach (read, layer on layer). We’re a big fan of the Beach People Round Towels plus I’m totally crushing on my new monogrammed number from Seed Heritage


A change of clothes

While we’re lucky enough to live within walking distance of the beach, we mostly ride our bikes down (we have an iBert seat for Sunny) so opt not to take too much with us clothing wise. We do always ensure a dry change of clothes for the ride home though - Nature Baby, Millk Co. and Seed Heritage are on high rotation at current.

 And for Mama:

St Agni Sandals – Handmade, leather and effortlessly stylish. My faves are the Aiko Basic Tan Leather Slides.

Zulu & Zephyr or P.E Nation swim – So many favourites, not enough days to wear them

One Teaspoon Denim Cut Offs – A summer staple

Zulu & Zephyr Shirts – Timeless, comfortable and see you from the beach and beyond

Now, what are you waiting for? To the beach!

kel Previously the PR and Communications Manager at ModelCo Cosmetics and most recently the Marketing Director at Stylerunner,  Bondi based Kelly Müller is also a new mama to Sunny Marlow Muller. Kelly now works from home, running her own PR and Marketing consultancy and approaches parenting with mindfulness, compassion and a daily morning coffee. Follow Kelly on Instagram



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